Friday, October 28, 2011

Be Consistent, Be Consistent, Be Consistent

For the past few days I have been trying to come up with a good post about the babies. I have thought of a few things in passing, and then would forget what I planned on writing when I had time to sit down and type something up(I normally only get to write a post when they are napping). So finally, I know what I want to write and I have time to get it down on paper, so to speak.

Most of my days are now spent stopping Titus and Adelaide from getting into things they are not supposed to or keeping them out of dangerous places. Even at this early age the defy what they are not supposed to do, and want what they are not allowed to have.

The most sought after item in the house is the ethernet cord running to our computer. Both Titus and Adelaide will spot it from across the room, get a crazed look in their eyes, and take off racing to see who can put it in their mouth first. This event normally ends in tears, when Matt or I have to tell them “No” and move them. Most of the time they are not deterred easily.  Another thing that they want to play with is diaper wipes and diapers. Today I found Adelaide pulling diaper wipes out of the container and eating them, while Titus chewed on a diaper.  Garbage is another thing that we have to keep the babies away from. They like to play with the trash bag. I think the sound and texture holds the allure for them.

Playing with the forbidden cord

Now, we could unplug the cord and use our wireless internet, put the garbage outside, and try to keep everything hidden, but we feel that this is a good learning opportunity for the babies.  We want them to learn that there are things that are not to be played with and that they need to listen. I know they are only 8 months old, and don’t completely understand obedience yet, but the day will come when they will understand, and I don’t want to have to retrain them. Eventually they will be allowed to use and touch these items, but not until they are the appropriate age to know the proper use and how to handle them correctly.
Eating a diaper and wipes
I also hope that teaching them at this early age what is appropriate to play with and what is not, will teach them respect for other people’s property. Since they aren’t allowed to touch the remote at home, I hope it transfers to when we are company in someone else’s home and they don’t play with the remote there either. Same with anything else they know to be off limits in their own home. 

The hardest part of all of this is to stay consistent in parenting. Sometimes it would be easier to let them fiddle with the ethernet cord than to constantly move them, but I know in the end it will pay off. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Holiness Over Happiness

On Sundays and Wednesdays, our church has been doing small groups.  Matt and I are attending one called “Sacred Marriage.” It is a video series by Gary Thomas. The whole premise is about marriage making us holy rather than happy. I had never thought of marriage in that context. But I now realize it is true. Just like anything in life, our happiness is secondary to becoming holy, wether it be work, children, friends, or marriage. Deuteronomy 6:5 says You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.”  That means love God with your total being.  This also means love him above your pleasures and want of happiness. I have realized that sometimes we as humans make happiness an idol in our hearts. How often do we  think things like, “I should not be treated this way” or “Don’t these people know I have somewhere to be.”  When it comes down to it, we are being selfish, thinking only of ourselves, and becoming like the people we are frustrated with. We strive to be the best, sometimes not caring about the feelings of other. Once again our pursuit of happiness takes on the face of selfishness. Now I know that happiness is not a sin, but when we strive for it above holiness, it becomes an idol of the heart. Stuart Scott says that an idol is anything we “serve, speak about, sacrifice for, seek after, spend time and money on, and trust.”  Too often we are seeking our own happiness rather than the precepts of God. If we would stop and strive for holiness, true happiness would be the reward. “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love.These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. John 15: 10-11(Emphasis added).

While writing this post, this song came to mind.

Holiness, holiness is what I long for. 
Holiness is what I need,
 Holiness, holiness is what You want from me 
Faithfulness, faithfulness is what I long for
Faithfulness is what I need
Faithfulness, faithfulness is what You want from me 
Righteousness, righteousness is what I long for
Righteousness is what I need
Righteousness, righteousness is what you want from me 
Take my heart and form it
Take my mind, transform it
Take my will, conform it
To Yours, to Yours, Oh Lord
Written By: Scott Underwood

The Many Faces of Titus

If you can think of captions for these photos, go ahead and comment.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fall Photo Time

I didn't want to overload one blog post with all of the picture from when my family was in town. When things get to long no one wants to read or look, and I want to keep people interested,  so I divided up the different things we did.

Monday afternoon we took some pictures out in front of our house. The one thing Matt and I love about West Virginia is the scenery. It is great for fall photos.

Both kept eating leaves.
Adelaide tried to see how many she could stuff in her mouth.


By the end, Adelaide was ready for a nap. That is why she does not look chipper.

Family Time

One downfall to living in West Virginia is that we don’t get to see family as often as we like. One advantage to living in West Virginia is that when we do get to see family, it is an extra exciting time. This weekend was one of those exciting times. My family arrived Sunday night, spent all day Monday with us, and left this morning (Tuesday). Even though it was a short visit, it was packed full of fun. 

Nana cuddling with her little man

Note the matching chins.

Adelaide only has eyes for her Papa. When he is in the room, no one else matters. She is never one to fuss when put down, but when Papa puts her down, she lets him know her dissatisfaction. 

Adelaide was tired and didn't want to smile

My family really enjoyed their time with the babies, and I know the babies enjoyed their time with my family. I don't think Titus and Adelaide are ever held and played with as much as when family is visiting.  Whenever company leaves, the babies go through withdraw. Luckily Matt's family is coming the next two weekends. The babies will have new playmates soon enough.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

You want it you got it.

After my last post, my dad mentioned that there were no pictures. Not that I don't love posting pictures of my babies, but I wanted the message of the post to stand out. So here are some recent pictures. I hope this satisfies everyone.

Waiting for Daddy to get home

This has always been one of their favorite toys.
This is the first time I have seen it played with in this way.
I went up stairs to get something, and when I came down, I found Titus like this.
He is upside down in his chair in case the picture isn't clear enough.

I Can Teach My Children

Recently I came across a blog called “I can teach my child.” It is a blog that offers craft ideas and educational print outs and recourses. I enjoy doing crafts and I know Titus, Adelaide, and I will spend hours doing artsy projects, but that isn’t the main reason the sight caught my attention. The name itself is what drew me in - “I can teach my child.” This isn’t something you hear very much in this culture. In this day and age where TV is the babysitter, and the idea of “they are only young once” runs wild, the nurturing of our children has diminished. It is an easy mindset to fall into, and one that must be addressed daily. I for one do not want to become one of the many putting off my children until it is too late.
As a mother, God has made me a minister to my children. After my husband, Matt, they are top priority. I am held responsible for the way I raise them. Teaching them includes all aspects of their lives.
 Of course we have the school aspect of learning - ABCs and 123s. I started teaching them these things soon after they were born. We also spend plenty of time reading during the days. 
Teaching my children also includes the basics of life. Everyday is a new opportunity to learn something new- grass is green, dogs bark, the blanket is soft. Explaining these things helps them learn. 
But the idea of nurturing runs deeper than just what knowledge I can fit in their heads. It is the godly principles of life that I teach them, that will have the biggest impact. Knowing that 1+1=2 will not help them make the decision not to lie. Knowing the 50 states will not help them know right from wrong. These are things that can only be taught through the Scriptures. The biblical principles I teach my children will have the biggest impact on their lives. They will be the foundation for their future. I have known many parents that say things such as “I don’t want to make my child go to church if they don’t want to.” This statement is a farce. We tell our children to brush their teeth even when they do not want to, because it keeps their teeth from rotting. God’s word keeps our souls from rotting. We make our children go to school because learning is important.  How much more important are the teachings of Christ? 2 Peter 3: 1 says, “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.” True knowledge can only be found in Christ.  As long as Titus and Adelaide are in my house, I am going to strive to teach them all I can about God’s word even if they don’t want to hear it, because these teachings are the only ones that truly matter.
Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”