Who We Are

As I sat down to write out the "Who We Are" section on this blog, I got a case of writers block. I have never tried to put my family and I into words. This was a dilemma since the blog name is "Our Life in Words." I wanted a creative way to portray who we are. I even thought about going to other people's blogs to see how they describe themselves, but then I wouldn't really be true to who we are. In the end I figured the best way to depict our family is to just state the facts with a few details thrown in.

Matt and I (Katie) have been married of over 4 years.  As of March 1, 2011 we became parents of twins, Titus and Adelaide. We are originally from Baltimore, Maryland, but most of our married life has been spent in Beckley, West Virginia. Here Matt is attending Appalachian Bible College and studying for the pastorate. While Matt goes to classes, I stay home to care for and teach our children. We are not sure where we will go after graduation, but we are waiting patiently to see where God will lead us.

Matt, Katie,
Titus, Adelaide