Why A Blog

Back when our babies were first born, my dad said that Matt and I should do a blog so that every one could keep up on the going ons in the lives of our children, Titus and Adelaide.  During the first few months after they were born, life was too full of feeding, changing, crying, and wanting SLEEP, to even begin to think about blogging.  Now that I have more time in a day and the babies eat less often, poop less often, cry less often, and sleep more, I decided to take my dad up on his advice and start a blog. I figured this would be a better way for friends and family to keep up with our family as compared to Facebook.  One line statuses never fully convey what is going on. Now I can’t promise that I will have a post every week, or that anything I write will be substantial, or grammatically correct, but I can say I am going to try my best to keep everyone up to date with the changes in our lives, be it the milestones of the babies, spiritual truths I have learned, or just a rant. So here it is, our life in words.