Friday, September 30, 2011

Welcome to the land of Investigate. Here one is met with new and exciting things. It is not a place for the weak of heart. It is meant for those ready to move beyond the world of sitting on the floor playing with what you are given.
 It is a place full of wonder and awe. It is a place of discovery.

Both babies like to play on this carpet. 
Welcome to the land of Investigate. Here one is met with bumps and bruises. It is not a place for the weak of heart. It is meant for those ready to do something new despite the pain and physical discomfort that comes along with it. 
It is a place of hardship, but it is also a place of strength.

Titus loves bottles of water.
Welcome to the land of Investigate. Here one is met with new limitations. It is not a place for the weak of heart. It is meant for those ready and willing to submit to boundaries. It is a place learning new lessons.
 It is a place to learn obedience.

Adelaide's first time pulling herself up onto her knees.
Welcome to the land of Investigate. Here one is met with the duty to protect. It is not a place for the weak of heart. It is meant for those ready and willing to care for their children, while letting them learn on their own. It is a place of trust.
 It is a place of reliance on God.

Titus' first time on the stairs.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Now that the rain has subsided, and the sun has greeted Beckley again,  the babies and I have been taking advantage of the nicer weather. In between feedings and naps, I try to take Titus and Adelaide out to explore.

Adelaide playing with her toys while Titus tries to make a run (crawl) for it.

Up until now, they haven’t been outside much to play. Of course they get their walks in, but that isn’t really an opportunity for them to experience much. Plus up until recently, the babies couldn’t crawl. So our outdoor outings were basically me sitting them in their bumbos and saying “Oh, look at that car.” 

Titus testing the grass to see if he likes it.
 Over the past few days, after checking for ant hills, rocks, and any other potential harmful thing, I have let the babies crawl around in front of the house. Both seem to really enjoy the change of scenery. 

  Titus prefers to stay on the sidewalk. When put in the grass he grimaces and fusses. I don’t think he likes the texture of the grass.  Adelaide on the other hand is enthralled by the grass. She sits and studies it carefully. Occasionally she tries to eat pieces of our lawn. 

Adelaide trying to figure out which piece of vegetation would taste best. She decided on a dandelion.

Getting yoga practice in
 Hopefully we can get a few more days of outdoor fun in before it starts to get cold. (For those of you who don’t know, it is know to snow here in October). 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Growing Babies

“They grow up so fast,” “Enjoy them now,” “They grow like weeds,” “You blink and they are going away to college,” These are all sayings I had heard before parenthood, but didn’t quite understand till I had two babies of my own. Titus and Adelaide are only six months old, but those six months have flown by. It is amazing how quick they change, and not only change and how quick they learn new things. They are no longer little silent, motionless blobs, they are quick, noisy, six month olds with personalities to boot. Both babies have started crawling in the past week or two. Also, they can now sit up and play instead of laying down all the time. They are both very happy about this new milestone.

Adelaide is our independent baby. She wants to do everything on her own. Forget about holding her, she would rather crawl and explore her surroundings. We must always keep an eye open for Adelaide because you don’t know what type of mischief she will be getting into. She is also feisty. She fights her car seat with a vengeance, and would prefer to feed herself even though she isn’t very good at it. I am sure we will have a very strong willed child on our hands as time goes along. Titus is our tender hearted child.  He prefers to be held and snuggled as much as possible. He prefers a peaceful quiet surrounding and spooks easily.

Not only are their personalities changing, but they are changing physically too. At their last Doctor’s appointment, Adelaide was 12lb 12 oz. a far cry from her birth weight of 4lb 15oz. Titus was 14lb 13oz. The doctor was proud of both of them. 

Another physical change, is that they are starting to grow hair. It has been a long wait, and the process has been slow, but finally, hair is starting to appear. 
These are just a few of the changes in our children. I know that more changes are going to come, and some will slip by unnoticed. It makes me happy that I can stay home and see all of these things take place in their lives. I want to enjoy every moment that I can, so that when I hear all of the sayings about how fast they grow, I can know that I did my best to capture everything I could.

"Are They Identical?"

Something I have learned since having twins, is that many people don’t understand the “twinning” process. Don’t worry I am not including a biology lesson in this post.  “Are they Identical, “ is something asked almost every time we leave the house. I am not sure how people can’t tell they aren’t identical. For one thing, Adelaide is a girl and Titus is a boy. Adelaide has blue eyes and Titus has brown. According to Google’s definition, “Identical” means : Similar in every detail; exactly alike. Just to clarify, boy-girl twins are not identical. They do not share the same DNA and they have very different parts. 
I figured since I am going to blog about Titus(Boy) and Adelaide(Girl) I would explain that for anyone who wasn’t sure or who was about to ask that question.