Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Birthday Party 3

Adelaide enjoying a chocolate covered marshmallow.
Isn't she pretty?

Eating cake for the first time.

Titus did not like the cake. He spent most of the time trying to get the icing off of his hands.
This resulted in screaming.

Adelaide didn't care much for the cake either. But at least she had a better attitude about it.

One of her presents

This is one of my favorite pictures. It is as if Titus is waiting patiently to get his car fixed.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Birthday Party 2

Titus and Adelaide's party was extra nice because we got to see family that we don't get to see often.
Joel and Julianne
Granny Wagoner and Nanny Ellie
Matt and his dad, Carl
(I find it weird that they are standing the same way. Like father like son.)
Adelaide and Papa
Rachel and Aunt Debbie
Uncle Dave, Mr. Paul, and Aunt Lori
Adelaide and Denise
Grammy with Titus
Grandpa Carl and Adelaide
Poppy Wagoner
Mom and Aunt Lori

Birthday Party 1

After three and a half weeks, I have finally gotten all of my pictures from the babies' birthday party uploaded.  Now I will share them with you. Since I have so many pictures, I am not going to make longs posts about every aspect of Titus and Adelaide's special day. Instead I will let the pictures do most of the talking. This is the first post of many from their birthday party.

The theme was "A Woodland Fairy Tale"
The snacks included gnome walking sticks ( chocolate covered pretzels),
fairy berries ( chocolate covered strawberries),
and toadstools (white chocolate covered marshmallows on sticks

Gnome Hats for the boys
The awesome cake made by.....
Uncle Darrell

Everybody enjoyed the gnome and fairy cut outs

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Then And Now

Titus Then: 6 lb 8 oz

Titus Now: 18 lb

Adelaide Then: 4 lb 15 oz

Adelaide Now: 18 lb

 Adelaide and Titus Then

Titus and Adelaide Now

Katie Then

Katie Now

Sad But Sweet

This morning when Matt was leaving for school, Adelaide went over to the coat rack, started crying, and pointed to her coat. Obviously she wanted to go with Daddy. I gave her the coat to hold. She would not give it up.  I tried taking it from her to hang it back up and she started crying. She even slept with it during her morning nap.

Steps To A Simple Life Week 4: Throwing Out The Unneccessary

Throwing out the unnecessary is something that we have recently (in the last month or so) started doing. It started when the idea of moving really began to sink in.  In May we will be leaving West Virginia and we don't want to have a million boxes going with us.  So this is our new philosophy: if it doesn't have a purpose either throw it away, sell it, or give it away. This was a big step in our lives, considering we had about 15 boxes of stuff that we hadn't looked through since moving to West Virginia (4 years ago). 
These boxes had a wide range of items in them. Some items we were able to sell: such as an old iPod, a voice recorder, and a few other little things. Some items were put aside for a mega yard sale and some things were just thrown away. At times it was hard to throw certain things out. I threw away most of my wedding and baby memorabilia. I figured I have my husband, babies, and pictures (the things that really matter). Do I really need four different plates and napkins from my bridal and baby showers?  Plus, how often do I really look at this stuff? As I said, some of the downsizing was a little difficult, but in the end, it was a big sigh of relief to know these boxes will not be following us anymore.
Are there things that you could be downsizing to make your life more simple?