Friday, October 28, 2011

Be Consistent, Be Consistent, Be Consistent

For the past few days I have been trying to come up with a good post about the babies. I have thought of a few things in passing, and then would forget what I planned on writing when I had time to sit down and type something up(I normally only get to write a post when they are napping). So finally, I know what I want to write and I have time to get it down on paper, so to speak.

Most of my days are now spent stopping Titus and Adelaide from getting into things they are not supposed to or keeping them out of dangerous places. Even at this early age the defy what they are not supposed to do, and want what they are not allowed to have.

The most sought after item in the house is the ethernet cord running to our computer. Both Titus and Adelaide will spot it from across the room, get a crazed look in their eyes, and take off racing to see who can put it in their mouth first. This event normally ends in tears, when Matt or I have to tell them “No” and move them. Most of the time they are not deterred easily.  Another thing that they want to play with is diaper wipes and diapers. Today I found Adelaide pulling diaper wipes out of the container and eating them, while Titus chewed on a diaper.  Garbage is another thing that we have to keep the babies away from. They like to play with the trash bag. I think the sound and texture holds the allure for them.

Playing with the forbidden cord

Now, we could unplug the cord and use our wireless internet, put the garbage outside, and try to keep everything hidden, but we feel that this is a good learning opportunity for the babies.  We want them to learn that there are things that are not to be played with and that they need to listen. I know they are only 8 months old, and don’t completely understand obedience yet, but the day will come when they will understand, and I don’t want to have to retrain them. Eventually they will be allowed to use and touch these items, but not until they are the appropriate age to know the proper use and how to handle them correctly.
Eating a diaper and wipes
I also hope that teaching them at this early age what is appropriate to play with and what is not, will teach them respect for other people’s property. Since they aren’t allowed to touch the remote at home, I hope it transfers to when we are company in someone else’s home and they don’t play with the remote there either. Same with anything else they know to be off limits in their own home. 

The hardest part of all of this is to stay consistent in parenting. Sometimes it would be easier to let them fiddle with the ethernet cord than to constantly move them, but I know in the end it will pay off. 

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