Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Family Time

One downfall to living in West Virginia is that we don’t get to see family as often as we like. One advantage to living in West Virginia is that when we do get to see family, it is an extra exciting time. This weekend was one of those exciting times. My family arrived Sunday night, spent all day Monday with us, and left this morning (Tuesday). Even though it was a short visit, it was packed full of fun. 

Nana cuddling with her little man

Note the matching chins.

Adelaide only has eyes for her Papa. When he is in the room, no one else matters. She is never one to fuss when put down, but when Papa puts her down, she lets him know her dissatisfaction. 

Adelaide was tired and didn't want to smile

My family really enjoyed their time with the babies, and I know the babies enjoyed their time with my family. I don't think Titus and Adelaide are ever held and played with as much as when family is visiting.  Whenever company leaves, the babies go through withdraw. Luckily Matt's family is coming the next two weekends. The babies will have new playmates soon enough.

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