Thursday, October 6, 2011

I Can Teach My Children

Recently I came across a blog called “I can teach my child.” It is a blog that offers craft ideas and educational print outs and recourses. I enjoy doing crafts and I know Titus, Adelaide, and I will spend hours doing artsy projects, but that isn’t the main reason the sight caught my attention. The name itself is what drew me in - “I can teach my child.” This isn’t something you hear very much in this culture. In this day and age where TV is the babysitter, and the idea of “they are only young once” runs wild, the nurturing of our children has diminished. It is an easy mindset to fall into, and one that must be addressed daily. I for one do not want to become one of the many putting off my children until it is too late.
As a mother, God has made me a minister to my children. After my husband, Matt, they are top priority. I am held responsible for the way I raise them. Teaching them includes all aspects of their lives.
 Of course we have the school aspect of learning - ABCs and 123s. I started teaching them these things soon after they were born. We also spend plenty of time reading during the days. 
Teaching my children also includes the basics of life. Everyday is a new opportunity to learn something new- grass is green, dogs bark, the blanket is soft. Explaining these things helps them learn. 
But the idea of nurturing runs deeper than just what knowledge I can fit in their heads. It is the godly principles of life that I teach them, that will have the biggest impact. Knowing that 1+1=2 will not help them make the decision not to lie. Knowing the 50 states will not help them know right from wrong. These are things that can only be taught through the Scriptures. The biblical principles I teach my children will have the biggest impact on their lives. They will be the foundation for their future. I have known many parents that say things such as “I don’t want to make my child go to church if they don’t want to.” This statement is a farce. We tell our children to brush their teeth even when they do not want to, because it keeps their teeth from rotting. God’s word keeps our souls from rotting. We make our children go to school because learning is important.  How much more important are the teachings of Christ? 2 Peter 3: 1 says, “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.” True knowledge can only be found in Christ.  As long as Titus and Adelaide are in my house, I am going to strive to teach them all I can about God’s word even if they don’t want to hear it, because these teachings are the only ones that truly matter.
Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

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