Saturday, January 21, 2012

Babies Of The Cloth

Recently I have been posting about ways that we are saving money. Such as, homemade laundry detergent, and homemade dish washing detergent. Another way we have recently started saving money, is cloth diapering. Now before everyone wrinkles their noses, you must know that cloth diapering has come a long way since pre-folded white diapers that you use safety pins to hold on and cover with rubber pants. They do still make these, and I did use them until I noticed that the babies’ bottoms did not take well to them.  Since I wanted to save the money that cloth diapers allow, I checked out the new fangled cloth diapers they make. I finally decided to use JustSimplyBaby Cloth diapers JustSimplyBaby offers one size fits all diapers. This means your baby can wear them from the time they are born, till the time they potty train. They allow this because they snap into different sizes. 

Also, no rubber pants are needed. The diapers are completely waterproof. 
As for the cost, they are a little pricey to start out. We paid $9.00 per diaper. I know this seems like a lot of money for a diaper, but do the math. Titus and Adelaide combined, go through about 12 diapers a day. The disposable diapers we use costs around $0.11 each.  So $0.11 x 12 diapers a day x one month (31 days) = $40.00 a month for diapers.  With this math, 4 cloth diapers have already paid for themselves. Since cloth diapers are reusable, when we have another baby, we won’t have to buy diapers. Giving us extra savings.
Another thing that cloth diapers bring to the table is the cuteness factor. I would never purchase them for this reason, but it is a nice perk.  Just look how cute Titus and Adelaide are sporting their new diapers.


  1. You were totally right Rachel. I wouldn't have even tried them if I hadn't had the ones you gave me.
