Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Surprise

Friday afternoon, as I was about to take the babies up for their afternoon nap, I noticed that the mailman was carrying 2 boxes up to our porch. Were weren't expecting anything so I wasn't sure what they were. Turns out, they were Easter packages for Titus and Adelaide.

Instead of laying them down for their nap, I decided to let them see what was in their packages and play for a little longer.

Both babies received a book, bubbles, and a block set.

At first Adelaide was more interested in the Easter grass. I quickly had to clean it all up before she tried to make a snack out of it (which she will do with almost anything). Luckily She hadn't emptied it all onto the floor, or I would probably still be cleaning it up.

I think the biggest hit out of the packages was the books. Both Titus and Adelaide kept bringing them to me to read.

Later in they day, after their nap and after Matt got home, we all went outside to try out the bubbles.

It seems like it doesn't matter how old (or young) you are to be excited about a surprise package.

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