Friday, December 16, 2011

Homemade Laundry Detergent

Yesterday I put a post on Facebook about how I made my own laundry detergent, and had a few people ask for the recipe.  I wanted to make sure it worked before I gave out any information.  I didn’t want a bunch of people buying the supplies and then it not work. I have done a few loads with it and it seems to work just fine. The recipe I used is for a powder detergent. If you want a recipe for liquid, this website has a recipe for it. Here are the instruction for the powder laundry detergent.
2 Cups Borax- $3.38 for 76oz
2 Cups Arm and Hammer Washing Soda- $3.24 for 55oz
1 Fels Naptha laundry bar $0.97 (You can use Ivory soap instead. It is about $0.45 a bar)
All of the above items except the Ivory can be found on the laundry isle at Walmart.
You can get a $1 off of 3 Arm and Hammer laundry items on Arm and Hammer’s website.

Here are the steps to making the detergent.
  1. Shave down the bar soap. I used a cheese grater, but a food processor works well.
  2. Measure out the powdered ingredients
  3. Mix everything together in a container.
When doing laundry, I have used 1 Tablespoon per load. This has worked for me. Depending on how soiled your items are and what kind of water you have, the amount per load may differ.
I did the math, and it costs me $0.03 a load. I used the Fels Naptha laundry bar, but if you use the Ivory, it will cost you a little less per load.  Also, if you decide to do liquid detergent, it comes out to about $0.01 cent per load.

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