Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving Part 1

At first I was quite worried about how this vacation would turn out. Our last vacation was very stressful. The babies didn’t want to nap at all, and trying to get Adelaide to sleep at night was a terrible experience. She would scream at the top of her lungs for 45 minutes to an hour, most of which was spent in the bathroom so no one else could hear her,   before she would just collapse into sleep. I did not want to relive this experience on our Thanksgiving vacation.  

Luckily everything ran smoothly. The babies were able to get their morning nap at the hotel before we headed out for the day. Their afternoon nap was normally taken in the car as we drove from one place to another. Sometimes this meant sitting in the car once we arrived at our location so they could finish their nap. At night we would feed them their evening bottles before we left whoever’s house we were at, and they would fall asleep in the car. When we got back to the hotel they went right back to sleep. I think there was only one night that they were asleep later than 7:00.

Having the babies keep their normal routine really helped make this vacation enjoyable. I am thankful that everything turned out great.

1 comment:

  1. Katie, I'm so glad your Thanksgiving vacation was better. I was praying for you all. Sounds like the twins did excellently well. I agree that keeping babies on their schedules is the best. I guard my kids (even Paul's & Hannah's) schedules very much. Rarely, rarely do we wreck up afternoon nap time! When we do, we pay for it dearly.
